Steve Bloom
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Cynthia Nixon: 'I've Only Smoked Pot Twice in My Life'

Actress Cynthia Nixon has made marijuana legalization a key component of her campaign to upset incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo. In an interview with Stephen Colbert, Nixon stressed arrest disparities in New York and admitted she's only smoked marijuana twice.

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Smokin' Emily Ratajkowski

The British-born model and actress Emily Ratajkowski likes to smoke... pot, that is. Here, she poses with a spliff on Instagram.

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Pro Hoopster Advocates CBD for Chronic Pain and Tourette’s

American basketball player Adam Kemp broke his back last November playing in the Bulgarian league. He decided to recuperate back home with the help of cannabidiol. Now he just needs a team. Kemp tells his CBD story for the first time at CelebStoner.

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Movie Review: 'Gringo'

Despite the pot leaf on its poster and a lot of weed hype in the TV trailer, "Gringo" has little to do with cannabis, other than the film's central premise - a pot pill that's "the future of marijuana."

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