Steve Bloom

On Our 10th Birthday: The Story of CelebStoner

Many of you out there know that I worked for High Times for nearly 20 years, from 1988 to 2007. Towards the end of my run with Trans High Corp. (the parent company), I hatched the idea for That was in 2006.

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NFL Player With Crohn's Disease Suspended for 10 Games

"He needs cannabis," a NFL source says about Bills offensive tackle Seantrel Henderson, who suffers from Crohn's disease and has been suspended twice this season for failing drug tests. "You can't take painkillers with the way his intestines are."

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Netflix Review: 'Narcos,' Season 2

Fans of "Breaking Bad" should immediately binge-watch "Narcos" on Netflix. It's the the best drug drama on TV since "Breaking Bad," and may be the best ever.

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