Steve Bloom
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Three People Seth Rogen Would Like to Smoke Weed With

In advance of his next stoner movie, "Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising," which opens Friday, the New York Times asked Seth Rogen, "If you could smoke weed with three people, living or dead, who would they be?" Click here to see his answer.

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New York Times Mangles Dab Coverage

Has "plain old pot lost its edge?" That's what the recent New York Times article, "Chasing Bigger Highs, Marijuana Users Turn to 'Dabbing'," contends.

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The Ultimate 4/20 Event Guide (2016)

With 4/20 landing on a Wednesday this year, events will be taking place the weekend before, the week and day of, and the weekend after. Here are 56 events to go to.

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Bernie Sanders: Remove Marijuana from the CSA

At Bernie Sanders' rally in New York's Washington Square Park last night, the Senator doubled down on his opinion that marijuana should be de-scheduled - meaning taken off the Controlled Substances Act altogether.

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Bill Maher Finally Appears on the Cover of High Times

Well, not quite. On "Real Time," Bill Maher compared National Review's "Against Trump" cover to if High Times put him on their cover with the headline, "Against Maher." His point is the Republicans are bailing on Donald Trump.

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