Steve Bloom

'Amy' Named Best Documentary at 2016 Oscars

Drug-themed movies received five Academy Award nominations for films released in 2015. "Cartel Land" and "Amy" were both up for Best Documentary, which "Amy" won, and "Sicario" earned three noms, including Best Cinematography.

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Marco Rubio on Why He Opposes Marijuana Legalization

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio tends to repeat himself. In 2014, he said," I don't think there's a responsible way to recreationally use marijuana." Two weeks ago he said virtually the same thing: "There is no responsible way to smoke marijuana repeatedly. There’s nothing good about it."

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Academy Not Happy About Vaporizers in Oscar Gift Bags

Last year, Oscar nominees received an unusual gift in their schwag bag: the $250 Haze Dual V3 portable vaporizer. The company is providing another 60 models for this year's nominees. But the Academy is suing the company who assembles the bags.

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Pot Doc: 'Rolling Papers,' or A Year in the Life of The Cannabist

It was big news in late 2013 when the Denver Post hired a marijuana editor who was tasked with running their online spinoff, Now the editor, Ricardo Baca, is the star of a movie that documents the paper's maiden voyage in the world of pot publishing.

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Jeb Bush Says Marijuana Causes Brain Damage

College pothead Jeb Bush now thinks marijuana has "devastating impacts on productivity and brain damage." He said this at the Republican presidential candidates' Town Hall in South Carolina on Feb. 18. He bowed out the race two days later.

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Country's Chris Stapleton Big Winner at 2016 Grammys

Chris Stapleton took the coveted Country Album of the Year award at the Grammys on Feb. 15. He also won for Best Country Solo Performance and paid tribute to B.B. King. Stapleton's song "Might as Well Get Stoned" is on his prize-winning album, "Traveler."

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Bill Maher Lights Joint on Real Time

Bill Maher's latest "New Rule" comes complete with a smoking demonstration. "I use medical marijuana because my third eye has glaucoma," he explains with a wink on "Real Time." "It's acting up right now. Maybe I should treat it."

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Tommy Chong Appears at ICBC in San Francisco

Mr. Man himself, Tommy Chong, headlined a busy opening day at the International Cannabis Business Conference in San Francisco on Feb. 13 that also included Dr. Jocelyn Elders, and Reps. Earl Blumenauer and Dana Rohrabacher.

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