Bummer: Arizona 420 Festival Canceled
A dispute with the Crowne Plaza Hotel North in Phoenix has left the Arizona 420 Festival homeless. Instead of starting today as scheduled, the three-day event has been cancelled.
A dispute with the Crowne Plaza Hotel North in Phoenix has left the Arizona 420 Festival homeless. Instead of starting today as scheduled, the three-day event has been cancelled.
Chief Greenbud wrote this anthem about 420 three years ago. It's a country song that gives a shout out to Top CelebStoner Willie Nelson.
We've got the Top 25 4/20 festivals, concerts and trade shows, plus more than 50 additional concerts and events taking place all over the country from Apr. 16-20.
Smuggling stories are all the rage these days in Hollywood and publishing. "Kid Cannabis" portrays a real tale about an operation from Canada to Idaho that made a bunch of stoners rich.
Mississippi is now the second Southern to approve cannabis oil for patients with seizures, joining Alabama, and the fifth overall. Gov. Phil Bryant signed the bill into law today.
In her debut column for Denver Post's The Cannabist, "The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg says she employs a vape pen to curb headaches she suffers from having glaucoma.
Asked about NBA players using marijuana for medicinal purposes, Clippers' mad dunker Blake Griffin says, "Many guys would probably benefit from it. So I would vote yes. It makes sense."
Taking place on a weekend and on the same day as Easter and Passover, it's fair to say this will be the biggest 4/20 ever. Check out our Top 10 4/20 events.