Steve Bloom
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House of Cannabis Museum Opens in New York

New York City has a new marijuana museum. It's located in Soho in a five-story building dating back to 1870 that formerly housed American Apparel. Now it's the House of Cannabis. Check out our visit.

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'90s Flashback: Who Killed Kurt Cobain?

Twenty-nine years ago, Kurt Cobain allegedly committed suicide. Over the years, reporters and film directors have offered theories that dispute the Seattle PD's official ruling. Now, the FBI has released letters from some of the doubters.

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Colombia's 'Cocaine Hippos' Issued Passports to Travel

The so-called "cocaine hippos" of South America are in the news again. Unlike Cocaine Bear, these are not coke-snorting mammals. Several were imported from Africa to Colombia by Pablo Escobar in the '80s and now as many as 70 are being sent to Mexico and India.

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