Steve Bloom
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New Pro-Cannabis Bills on the Hill

House Reps Jared Polis and Earl Blumenauer have sponsored federal legislation that would substantially reform the nation's marijuana laws.

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Michigan Court Bans Dispensaries

The Michigan Supreme Court has upheld an Appeals Court decision banning medical-marijuana dispensaries. The 4-1 ruling effectively shuts down canna-business in state.

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Review: 'Flight'

Robert Zemekis' Flight stars Denzel Washington as an alcoholic, drug-abusing commercial airline pilot. While Washington plumbs the depths of his deeply-flawed character, the movie places all the blame of a catastrophic crash on him.

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Mod Sun's 'Did I Ever Wake Up?'

Hippy hopper Mod Sun not only raps, he writes books too. The Minnesota native's first self-help manual is a "step-by-step guide on how to make your life a dream."

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'Girls' on Coke

Hannah, played by Lena Dunaham on "Girls," did coke on a Season 2 episode. A few days earlier, Dunham, who created the hit HBO show, chastised Rihanna and Chris Brown for "posting a million photos of them smoking marijuana."

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Steve Elliott Arrested for Assault

Blogger Steve Elliott was arrested and charged with domestic assault on Jan. 14. He was arrested again for violating the terms of his release on Feb. 12.

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San Diego Mayor Backs Medical Marijuana

Rookie Mayor Bob Filner wants to give medical marijuana another chance in San Diego. The previous administration presided over the closure of more than 100 dispensaries.

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