Steve Bloom
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CNBC Returns to Denver, Touts 'Green Mile' Businesses

CNBC's Marcus Lemonis can't roll a joint, but can tell cannabis business stories. In the latest episode of his new series, "Streets of Dreams," he focuses on Denver's Green Mile, where companies selling pot products and services thrive.

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RIP: Tennessee Stoner Who Lit Up in Court

Spencer Boston staged a protest during a court appearance for a marijuana citation in Lebanon, Tennessee on January 27, 2020 by sparking up a joint. Sadly, Boston was hit by a car and passed away on January 21.

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Larry King on Pot: 'I Would Legalize It'

In 2013, Larry King told Snoop Dogg he "would legalize it," referring to marijuana, and quoted Lenny Bruce: "They're going to legalize marijuana someday because every law student I know smokes it." King passed away from Covid-19 on January 23.

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