Smokin' Emily Ratajkowski
The British-born model and actress Emily Ratajkowski likes to smoke... pot, that is. Here, she poses with a spliff on Instagram.
The British-born model and actress Emily Ratajkowski likes to smoke... pot, that is. Here, she poses with a spliff on Instagram.
Roseanne Barr was back in the news this week with the revival of "Roseanne" on ABC. Her support of Donald Trump and his far-right agenda is a major part of the show's storyline. Trump clearly approves.
American basketball player Adam Kemp broke his back last November playing in the Bulgarian league. He decided to recuperate back home with the help of cannabidiol. Now he just needs a team. Kemp tells his CBD story for the first time at CelebStoner.
One of the most important political races in 2018 is Rep. Beto O'Rourke's attempt to unseat Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. On "Real Time," O'Rourke told Bill Maher that he supports ending federal marijuana prohibition.
Best of Cannabis award nominees included and (for Best Website), Freedom Leaf, NORML, Willie's Reserve, Americans for Safe Access and Netflix's "Disjointed."
Despite the pot leaf on its poster and a lot of weed hype in the TV trailer, "Gringo" has little to do with cannabis, other than the film's central premise - a pot pill that's "the future of marijuana."
Caught smoking out of an apple pipe nearly 17 years ago, actress Charlize Theron now says she uses pot to counter "really bad insomnia."
The Canadian company, Herby's Twist, has a full line of plastic grinders. But their new item, Grindarolla, tops them all.