Happy 85th Birthday, Lester Grinspoon!

One of the pioneers of the marijuana legalization movement turned 85 on June 24. With that in mind, we're honoring Dr. Lester Grinspoon by naming him a Top CelebStoner.

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Spliff City: Rihanna in Amsterdam

Rihanna took some time off from her concert tour to visit a coffeeshop in Amsterdam on Saturday. She looked ready to spark up these two bomber joints.

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Trailer: 'How to Make Money Selling Drugs'

The latest drug-war doc is Matthew Cook's "How to Make Money Selling Drugs." It's produced by Adrian Grenier, and features Woody Harrelson, Susan Sarandon, Eminem and 50 Cent.

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John Legend: 'Legalize Marijuana'

John Legend calls for the end of prohibition in his recent interview on HuffPost Live. "It's never worked with any drugs," the singer says.

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Harassing Katherine Rasmussen

Former PTO president and MMJ user Katherine Rasmussen was recently busted in a state, Illinois, that's about to legalize medical marijuana.

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