'Mad Men' Season 6: Smells Like Reefer

It's 1968 on "Mad Men," and the show is totally embracing the emerging marijuana culture. In the Season 6 opener, Megan and Don get stoned in Hawaii, and pot smoking has become rampant at the office.

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Joe Klein: Voice for Legalization

Journalist Joe Klein writes in his latest Time column: "I’m for legalizing marijuana. It is a relatively mild, non-addictive drug. It is simply illogical for alcohol to be legal and pot not."

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DJ Clue Busted in Manhattan

Caught in a late-night dragnet, DJ Clue was stopped by NYPD at 2 am Wednesday and arrested for possessing a controlled substance (three unidentified pills) and driving with a suspended license.

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Decrim Goes Into Effect in Rhode Island

Rhode Island joined 13 other states that have decriminalized marijuana on Apr. 1. Including Colorado and Washington, there are now 16 states with liberalized cannabis laws.

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Tommy Chong: High on the Beatles

Tommy Chong wants to get high high high with Paul McCartney. He smoked pot with George Harrison and hung with John Lennon and Ringo Starr, but has yet to meet McCartney. "One day Paul, you and I are going to burn one," he predicts.

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Willie Nelson: Crazy About Gay Rights

During a week when public support for same-sex marriage grew exponentially as the Supreme Court heard a relevant case, Willie Nelson hopped on the gay-rights bandwagon.

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