
Pot Shots: 15 L.A. Dispensaries

The zine-book "Pot Shots" features a selection of medipot shops in the L.A. area. The photos, all taken by iPhones, show the funky exteriors of the stores.

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Taxing Pot: How Much Is Too Much?

For years, marijuana activists have argued that legal cannabis would be a boon to the economy. In Colorado, however, high taxes on pot is sparking a debate that will be resolved Nov. 5.

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Swiss Say Yes to Marijuana

Swiss citizens can now carry up to 10 grams of marijuana without fear of arrest. Switzerland is the fourth European country to decriminalize pot.

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Wild West: Weed Wyoming Wants Medical-Marijuana

Wyoming may join neighbor Colorado and other Western states by voting to legalize medical marijuana in 2016. The proposal would allow patients to possess up to 50 plants and 10 pounds of pot.

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Maryland Approves Medical Marijuana

In May, Maryland Gov. O'Malley signed a bill allowing for the creation of "academic medical centers" that will provide pot to patients. On Oct. 1, the law went into effect. So then why is Maryland not considered a medical marijuana state?

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2013 Fall Stoner TV Guide

We highlight 17 shows that have either returned ("Sons of Anarchy") or are new ("Once Upon a Time in Wonderland"). All are musts to catch this fall on the Doob Tube.

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Garfunkel & Oates - 'Weed Card'

The comedy folk duo, Garfunkel & Oates, known for their medical-marijuana song "Weed Card," are also co-stars of a the IFC series, "Garfunkel and Oates."

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