Jonah Hill

Jonah Hill in "The Wolf of Wall Street."

The 30-year-old comic actor has played his share of stoner roles.

Born on Dec. 20, 1983 in Los Angeles, Jonah Hill (full name: Jonah Hill Feldman) grew up in Mill Valley, California. He first appeared in I Heart Hiuckabees in 2004, followed by a trio of stoner movies - The 40 Year Old Virgin, Grandma's Boy and Knocked Up. 

In 2007, Superbad - co-written by Seth Rogen - elevated Hill from bit-part actor to full-fledged star. In Greg Mottola's high-school comedy, he and Michael Cera play friends who are desperate to be cool and will go to any lengths to prove it. 

Strange Wilderness, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Funny People came next. His Matthew the Waiter character in Sarah Marshall evolved into Aaron, the record-company assistant, in Get Him to the Greek, who's job is to transport Aldous Snow (Russell Brand's character in Sarah Marshall) to a rock concert in L.A. Along the way, Aaron smokes joints and does other drugs. 

Hill's turn in Cyrus, as the immature son of a single woman who falls for a man Cyrus dislikes, showed another side of his acting ability. It's a stretch that worked.

Hill topped that with his Academy Award and Golden Globe nominated performance as statistician Peter Brand in the sports flick Moneyball with Brad Pitt (he received nominations for the lead role, Billy Beane, as well).

He's since appeared in The Sitter, 21 Jump Street, The Watch and The Wolf of Wall Street. For his supporting role in the latter film, Hill received his second Oscar nomination.

The stony actor demonstrates how to smoke out of an apple in Pot Culture.

Hill has dated Ali Hoffman (Dustin's daughter) and Jordan Klein. He's single.


Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.