Strain Hunters Go to Colombia

Vice's Krishna Andavolu travels to Colombia with Arjan Roskam, Franco Loja and Amsterdam's Green House crew in search of rare land race strains and their seeds. Go here to buy quality cannabis seeds online.

It's a great trip inside the South American country's jungles and mountains. Ultimately, they find large fields of Colombian Gold, Limon Verde and Punta Rojas in Cali and Santa Marta.

Andavolu calls Roskam a "polarizing figure in the weed growing community" and an "easy target."

"It's a group of people who don't like us, it's all kinds of people who fight us," Roskam explains. "I think we are exactly on the right moment and in the right business."

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.