High Comedy: Bill Hicks' 'Mandatory Marijuana' Routine

Comedian Bill Hicks passed away on Feb. 26, 1994 from pancreatic cancer. He was 32.

Hicks' ascerbic brand of comedy was just catching on. His first album Dangerous in 1990 included a nine-minute bit about "The War on Drugs." He followed up that sentiment with "Great Times on Drugs" > "Drugs Have Done Good Things" > "Rockers Against Drugs Suck" on the live Relentless in 1992.

The above "Mandatory Marijuana" clip is part of "Great Times on Drugs." It features most of Hicks' quintessential comments about cannabis, such as:

• "Not only do I think marijuana should be legalized, I think it should be mandatory."

• "Pot is a better drug than alcohol. Fact."

• "I have never seen people on pot get into a fight because it is fucking impossible."

• "Say you're in a car accident and you're smoking pot. You're only going four miles an hour."

• "I have never heard one reason that rang true why marijuana's against the law."

• "Marijuana grows everywhere, serves a thousand different functions, all of them positive. To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a mistake."

The Texas-born comic is the subject of two documentaries: Kevin Booth's Bill Hicks: Sane Man (1989) and Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas' American: The Bill Hicks Story.


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Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of CelebStoner.com, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.