Chiara de Blasio, daughter of New York's incoming mayor, Bill, sought drug and alcohol treatment after her first year at Santa Clara College.
De Blasio's oldest child, who suffers from depression and anxiety, left Brooklyn in 2012 to attend the California college 3,000 miles away. "I didn't really do the proper mental and emotional work to prepare myself," the 19-year-old now says in a candid video confession (see below). "I kind of just thought all my problems would go away."
Instead she got caught up in the campus' culture of intoxication. "I could keep doing this stuff and be like, Oh I won't drink, and then I would just smoke weed, and then I would be like, Oh I'm not gonna smoke weed and then I'd just drink," she explains.
Getting into a treatment programs was the best solution for the junior de Blasio. "Removing substances from my life has opened so many doors for me," Chiara adds. "I was actually able to participate in my dad's campaign and that was like the greatest thing ever. Now I'm doing well in school and actually getting to explore things that aren't partying."