Wendy Davis has recruited Willie Nelson in her campaign to become the next governor of Texas. He'll be performing at a fundraiser for Davis in Houston on Apr. 27.
The State Senator from Fort Worth will face outgoing Attorney General Greg Abbott in November. She won the Democratic nomination with 79% of the vote in the March primary. Current Gov. Rick Perry is retiring.
Davis is famous for her 11-hour filibuster to block restrictive abortion legislation last year. She supports marijuana decriminalization and medical marijuana.
"We as a state need to think about the cost of that incarceration and, obviously, the cost to the taxpayers as a consequence of it, and whether we’re really solving any problem for the state by virtue of incarcerations for small amounts of marijuana possession," Davis stated in February. "From a philosophical position, do I have any objections to the fact that citizens might want to legalize marijuana? No, I don’t. But I think watching to see how this experiment plays out in other states is probably advisable before I could tell you for sure. With regard to medical marijuana. I personally believe that medical marijuana should be allowed for for."
Nelson tells CelebStoner: "Wendy Davis is the only candidate that can move Texas into the future. She supports common sense marijuana and hemp legislation as well as equality for all."
About Nelson, Davis says, "There’s something about his voice that pulls at your emotion.H e’s certainly seen his fair share of troubles, but he just keeps rolling."
The benefit, known as a "backyard BBQ" (at the home of Steve and Amber Mostyn) is for a limited number of financial supporters. Nelson kicks off his spring tour in Austin on Apr. 29, his 81st birthday.