Comedian Chelsea Handler brought edibles on a 2015 family vacation in Mexico. She related the story on Late Night with Seth Meyers.
Handler: I took edibles to Mexico.
Meyers: Is this new for you?
Handler: I like marijuana now. I've always liked to drink. I've never really been a pothead, but now that it's legal - because I'm such a rule follower - I got my medical marijuana card. So I brought edibles and we took them. They were Cheeba Chews. They were strong, like hallucinogenic. There were 10 girls and everyone went down. I was like, "Oh my god, I can't even get up." We were all just looking at each other… It said on it to take one per person. I split it in thirds. I'm not sure what happened that day.
Update: At a private event to promote Canndescent's Stylus vape pen at the Montalban Theater in Hollywood on Feb, 10, 2019, Handler told The Hollywood Reporter about her first marijuana experience with with a bong: "Who came up with that contraption? To sit there with this huge piece of glass, trying to light it and blow bubbles. And I did it just to be cool and I remember getting really high, not feeling great. And then I smoked over the years until I got really paranoid for a phase: I pulled myself over once on the way home from Santa Monica to my apartment, which is not far, and hid in the bushes for like four hours. Obviously, something else must have been happening.

"But now there is the vape component. It makes a difference. It’s a game-changer. You can take a little hit. You don’t have to be high; you can just take the edge off, which I think is what most of us are after. Most of us aren’t looking to be in a corner freaking out. We want everybody to be just a little bit more tolerable."
“I’d much rather be taking something from the ground than from some disgusting pharmaceutical company that’s poisoning us with opioids and then making another trillion dollars to discover the cure for it!... Now we understand that we were basically living during Prohibition.
"This is gonna be the thing that probably cures some big disease and then everyone’s going to go, ‘Oh whoopsie, I can’t believe people were put in prison for smoking, for a dime bag.’”
Handler revealed that she has her own line of pot products coming out soon via NorCal Cannabis Company.
“I didn’t want to do licensing; I didn’t want to do some bullshit weed line."
"It really means a lot to me, what [cannabis] has done for my friends and the people who have been re-introduced, so it’s a female-centric kind of motivation and I want to do a line that represents that, to reintroduce women to the marketplace. That’s my goal.”
Another of her goals was to smoke with Willie Nelson:
“We were filming for Netflix and it was in his trailer before he was going on stage somewhere. We smoked a joint together and I drove there and couldn’t drive home."
"So I’ve smoked weed with Willie Nelson and I feel like that’s all I really have to do in life. You know what I mean? I don’t care about whoever I smoke with again. They’re lucky to be smoking with me at this point!”
Handler's new book, Life Will Be the Death of Me, will be avaialble on Apr. 9.