On the Aug. 18 episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, Penn Jillette proclaimed that he's "the only person who's never ever had a puff of marijuana who has been been on the cover of High Times magazine." Well, not quite.
Jillette's name appeared on the cover of the Sept. 2009 issue. He's featured in the issue. So technically he is on the cover. But being on the cover generally refers to your image appearing on the cover. Jillette's hasn't, so far.
To his contention that he's the only person to appear on the cover who has never smoked pot:
• Frank Zappa's photo was on the Dec. 1989 cover. He clained to never used marijuana.
• Top CelebStoner James Franco appeared on the Jan. 2009 cover holding a bong. Named Stoner of the Year due to his dealer role in Pineapple Express, Franco insists he's never used marijuana in any of its forms.
During an exchange about Libertarianism, Maher recalled:
"In 1994, I said something about Libertarianism and ever since they they've been, 'Bill, you're not a real Libertarian.' You're right, I'm not a real Libertarian. I believe in smoking pot and that's about it. But you're a real Libertarian..."
"I believe in not smoking pot and you should be able to," Jillette, who's part of the comedy/magic team Penn & Teller, shot back before launching into his High Times story.
"That's because they're very high," Maher sniffed about High Times. "They don't know what they're doing."

In another segment, Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg, Woody Harrelson and Maher were featured in a mockup of "Mount Kushmore."