It was teased like "Dark Star." During the opening night of the Home for the Holidays show celebrating Jerry Garcia at Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, NY on December 13, Garcia's daughter Trixie told the crowd that the Jerry Garcia Cannabis Collection is coming in 2020.
That's right, Captain Trips is going to have his own brand of sticky icky icky.
At the Jerry Garcia 2020 website, it reads:

Garcia will join other deceased music and Hollywood stars like Bob Marley and Dennis Hopper, who also have posthumous pot brands. His Grateful Dead mate Mickey Hart released his own brand of buds, Mind Your Head, earlier this year to stellar reviews.

Garcia was photographed with joints over the years. He was also a cigarette smoker.
In 1972, he told Rolling Stone:
"I was 15 when I got turned on to marijuana. Finally there was marijuana: Wow! Marijuana! Me and a friend of mine went up into the hills with two joints, the San Francisco foothills, and smoked these joints and just got so high and laughed and roared and went skipping down the streets doing funny things and just having a helluva time. It was great, it was just what I wanted, it was the perfect, it was – and that wine thing was so awful and this marijuana was so perfect."
Garcia died while trying to recover from heroin addiction in 1995.