NORML Board Member and Travel TV Host Rick Steves Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

Rick Steves in the mountains (via Rick Steves’ Europe)

Rick Steves, who's best known for his TV travel shows and tour guides, and is also a cannabis legalization advocate affiliated with NORML, announced he'll have surgery for prostate cancer next month. 

On Aug 22, Steves posted the news at X:

I’d like to take a moment to share some important news. I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. My doctor assures me that, if you’re going to get cancer, this is a good kind to get, and careful scans show no sign of it having spread. There is a clear path forward to getting healthy, and this fall, I’ll be in the hospital for a few days having prostate surgery.

My doctor’s fine with me filming two new TV shows in France for the next three weeks, returning home to Edmonds by mid-September. I’ll likely get my surgery in late September, be laid up for a month, and — God willing — be cancer-free and back at it by the end of October.

I have great trust in my doctor and in Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. And I have lots more to be thankful for…including the support of friends and loved ones and a strong faith that I’m in good hands.

While the statistics tell me I should be just fine, I’ve been fortunate to have never spent a night in a hospital — and I find myself going into this adventure almost like it’s some amazing, really important trip. I feel good about my positive attitude — and I expect to take home some delightful, if intangible, souvenirs like: appreciating and seeing a vibrancy in the little things; appreciating the goodness in people and the treasure of friends and family; being wowed by modern medicine and the army of amazing, smart, and dedicated people that make it possible; appreciating what a blessing life, health, and this world to enjoy is; and — just in general — being more thankful.

I’m looking forward to many more years of happy travels, exciting collaborations, and beautiful friendships. Thank you for your love and support (and any “travel tips” you may have for me as I set off on this journey).

From 2021-2022, Steves headed the NORML Board of Directors. He became active during Washington State's legalization campaign in 2012. Steves stated in 2021:

"I’m honored to have been elected to serve as the Chair of NORML’s Board of Directors. I support legalization not because I’m pro-pot… but because I’m anti-prohibition, pro-freedom and pro-common sense. Just like the failed prohibition of alcohol, our current laws against marijuana use are causing more harm to our society than the drug itself."

Since 2021, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and Ohio have all legalized the adult use of cannabis. Steves had a major role in getting the ball rolling.

Rick Steves' Europe programs are popular staples on PBS. 



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Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.