Ann Coulter Uses the R-Word to Describe Pot Smokers
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter insulted two groups with one dumb statement on a radio show this week. "It is as if they legalized retard pills," she quipped about marijuana.
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter insulted two groups with one dumb statement on a radio show this week. "It is as if they legalized retard pills," she quipped about marijuana.
The folks at grabbed a photo of Miley Cyrus smoking a joint onstage in Amsterdam, pasted it on a weed leaf background and, voila, the "Smokin' on That Cyrus Sweatshirt" was born.
Recovering drug addict Russell Brand thinks Philip Seymour Hoffman's death could've been prevented. "We are aware that our drug laws aren't working and that alternatives are yielding positive results," he writes. "Why are we not acting?"
It was like a scene out of "Californication." Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson drop Depp's daughter off at school and then Depp's photographed holding a marijuana glass pipe.
High Times feted B-Real at the latest Cannabis Cup in San Bernardino this past weekend. He hosted the Saturday night show featuring B.o.B. and picked up the mag's Stoner of the Year Award.