Best Buds, Forever!
Max Garcia's latest comic strip shows the friendship between a can of Budweiser and a marijuana leaf. The one-panel cartoon, known alternately as "Between the Lines" and "Sunny Street," is syndicated nationally.
Max Garcia's latest comic strip shows the friendship between a can of Budweiser and a marijuana leaf. The one-panel cartoon, known alternately as "Between the Lines" and "Sunny Street," is syndicated nationally.
In her latest Cannabist column, Whoopi Goldberg takes issue with the recent passage of medical marijuana legislation in New York that doesn't include glaucoma, which she suffers from, as an approved condition.
From host Seth Meyers and presenters Jimmy Kimmell, Amy Poehler and Adam Levine cracking wise about weed to Sarah Silverman showing off her vape pen on the red carpet, last night's Emmys was one stony affair.
Miley Cyrus is the new Queen of MTV. She defeated Beyonce, Iggy Azala, Pharrell Williams and Sia to take the MTV Video of the Year Award for "Wrecking Ball."
A very sober Paul Ryder is praising the power of cannabis now that his 11-year-old son Chico is in remission from soft tissue cancer after a cannabis oil regimen. Ryder plays bass in the British acid-house band Happy Mondays.