The owner of one of Colorado's biggest marijuana businesses ran afoul of the law at the recent Hangout Music Fest in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Police arrested Tripp Keber for marijuana possession there on May 18.
Keber, who runs Dixie Elixirs & Edibles based in Denver, subsequently pled guilty. Police said he possessed a marijuana concentrate and another substance they initially thought was cocaine (the felony charge for the latter was dismissed). Westword reports the marijuana was in the form of "liquid THC." In a email to the Denver media outlet, Keber said he "possessed approx 2/10th of a gram of THC.

Tough break but it will have no impact on my role as managing director of Dixie and and pres/CEO of Red Dice Holdings."
MMJ Business Daily adds: "Keber was arrested recently for having a topical and a tin of infused mints on him."
A source tells CelebStoner that police accosted Keber inside the venue when they saw him smoking a cigar. Mistaking it for a blunt, they forced him to break the cigar in order to prove it only contained tobacco. Keber was not happy about the invasion of his privacy and, to make matters worse, police searched him and found the pot products.
"This is a situation during some vacation where I basically made an error in judgment," he stated. "You become so used to being surrounded by cannabis, for better or for worse, that you potentially take liberties that no one else would.”
As part of his plea bargain, Keber will be randomly drug tested and must stay out of trouble for two years, or he could be sentenced to a year in jail.
Dixie Elixirs manufactures cannabis-infused beverages, tinctures, chocolates and mints, as well as hemp oil products. Their products are sold at licensed MMJ centers and dispensaries.