During a raid of Justin Bieber's home in Calabasas, California on Jan. 14 over an egging incident, his friend Lil Za (nee Xavier Smith), 19, was arrested for possessing Ecstasy.
Members of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department detained Bieber in the garage as they searched the house.

Two jars filled with marijuana, three bongs, a hookah and empty codeine bottles were found in the house, yett Bieber was not busted. “It’s pretty widely known the kid smokes weed,” stated Lt. David Thompson on Jan. 16. “We’re not doing some big sting on Justin Bieber. We didn’t go opening containers and pulling out drawers. This was about the egging.”
Bieber and his friends allegedly threw eggs at a neighbor's house, causing $400 in damges on Jan. 9. Police were primarily interested in the surveillance video when they stumbled on the the molly in Lil Za's room. He was hit with felony drug possession.
Za's older brother, Lil Twist, 21, was busted for driving under the influence of marijuana last July. Both have lived in Bieber's house.