Police busted several PhillyNORML members during the Smoke Down Prohibition protest at Independence Park on May 18. When joints were lit at 4:20, Park rangers and Philadelphia cops stormed the rally, hauling away N.A. Poe and Adam Kokesh. Both were charged with felonies for resisting arrest.
Updates: On May 23, Poe was released from the Federal Detention Center at 700 Arch St. On May 25, Kokesh was released as well. The felony charge against him was reduced to a citation. On July 9, Poe reported, "The federal government has dropped both felony and misdemeanor charges and will be issuing me three citations after a court appearance later this week. I'm not necessarily off the hook or even satisfied with the outcome, but given the circumstances, I'll take it."
In the video below, Poe (yellow Padres cap) and Kokesh (light blue suit) are arrested as the crowd chants, "No victims, no crimes." Also in the video: Ladybud's Diane Fornbacher (green dress) and NJWeedman (dreads).