New Hampshire Backs Off on Marijuana Legalization

Six weeks after voting in favor of legalizing marijuana, the New Hampshire House reversed itself on Wednesday by a 190-142 margin.

During the interim, the bill spent time in the Ways and Means Committee. It was required to have a second vote.

On Jan. 16, the House passed passed HB 492, sponsored by Republican Rep. Steve Vaillancourt, 170-162.

Gov. Hassan has said she would veto the bill, which proposed taxing cultivation at a rate of $30 per ounce and sales at 15%. Like Colorado, the plant number for home growing was set at six.

Also in March, the House passed marijuana decriminalization bill, HB 1625, but decided to wait and see how legalization fares in Colorado and Washington.

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.