Pro-Pot Poe Loses Bid for Philly Council Seat

Poe: "The resistance is alive and well."

Comedian/activist Nikki Allen Poe placed a distant third in Tuesday'selection for an open City Council seat in Philadelphia. Running as the Libertarian Party candidate with the campaign slogan "Spark a Change," he garnered 4,000 votes. State Rep. Ed Neilson scored the victory.

"Hey Philly, we got our fuckin' ass kicked by the union Democratic machine," the 34-year-old South Philadelphia native posted at Facebook. "But you know what? 4,000 people voted for us today. Four fuckin' thousand. That makes my dick hard. The resistance is alive and well. I could cry. We shall overcome. Keep fighting."

Poe (nee Richard Tamaccio) is best known for his marijuana advocacy. His group, The Panic Hour, along with Philly NORML, regularly stage rallies Smoke Down Prohibition rallies at the Liberty Bell in Independence Park, where Poe was arrested for obstructing a federal officer, possessing pot on federal property and resisting arrest last May. On Dec. 13, he was fined $805 and placed on one-year probation.

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.