Despite State Injunction, Terp Bros Opens Legal Pot Shop in Queens

The floor at Terp Bros and one of their first customers, Tom Martin (photos by CelebStoner)

The second legal adult-use cannabis store in Queens, NY opens today. Terp Bros is located at 36-10 Ditmars Blvd. in the hip Astoria neighborhood.

Terp Bros at 36-10 Ditmars Blvd. in the Astoria section of Queens, NY (CelebStoner photo)

CelebStoner visited Terp Bros for their advanced VIP reception on October 16. Locals lined up to buy legal cannabis products throughout the day. A staff of 10 served the customers.

Terp Bros has been waiting to open since August when an injunction stopped all new stores from doing just that. But the judge decided to allow five stores to open during the injunction and Terp Bros was one of the them.

Terp Bros co-owner Jeremy Rivera works the counter (CelebStoner photo)

Co-owner Jeremy Rivera is happy to be selected. "I'm a hustler," he says during a quick break in the sales action. "I've been doing this for years. I know what people want."

Washington Heights activist Annette Fernandez was on hand to help. She and her company High Exposure NY is leading the store's marketing campaign. 'We're making deals with restaurants," she explains. "You get discounts when you show receipts from Terp Bros. It's all about marketing."

High Exposure NY’s Annette Fernandez is helping with Terp Bros rollout. (CelebStoner photo)

Despite competition from nearby illegal shops, Rivera thinks locals will support the legal alternative. "We have the best product line," he boasts.

Unlike illegal shops that stock products from Califiornia and Colorado, everything on Terp Bros' shelves, from flower to edibles, is homegrown by New York State farmers and tested for impurities and cannabinoid levels.

Purple Daddy from Zizzle (CelebStoner photo)

With today's opening, there are now 20 legal stores in New York State and six delivery services. It's unclear when the injuction will be lifted.


CelebStoner Goes to...

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Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.