Communiqué from Israel: Cannabis for PTSD Used by Patients During War

Israeli medical marijuana flag

On Saturday, November 4, I received an email message from a person named Jonny Mammon who lives in Israel:

Dear Steve,

I hope you are well. 

My name is Jonny. I’m an English Israeli who has been connected with the cannabis industry here and abroad for the last decade. 

The last four years we've focused more on patient care and treatment, owing to my partners who opened a nonpharmaceutical-based rehabilitation and treatment clinic called Me’ale, also known as the Oz Center. It was named after my partner's son who was a fallen soldier in 2014 in Gaza. 

My partners and I specialize in PTSD, trauma and pain management for patients of the legal medical system over here.

I would love to be able to speak to you about our projects we have had running out here and how since Oct. 7 everything has gone into overdrive as Israel’s trauma rate increased ever closer to 100% of the population. 

We have been working with very little help from the government, but seeing amazing action from the cannabis producers, pharmacies, patients and more to make sure our fellow citizens and those in need are receiving help.

Please let me know if you have some time to chat, by message, call or whatever is most convenient for you. 

I think there’s a lot we can do to help further and spread awareness of the amazing stories of the people who are both receiving and giving help and the necessity of cannabis over pharmaceuticals at this time.

I hope to hear back from you soon.

All the best,


"We have been supplying cannabis and coupons for pharmacies so affected patients can get their meds for free. So far we have donated over 6 kgs nationwide."


I wrote back to Jonny:

Thanks for reaching out. Curious how you found me.

There has been very little coverage in the cannabis press about how the attacks and war have impacted the Israeli industry. 

Here’s a story about InterCure.

How was Oz Center impacted? What about other companies?

How is Oz managing to help those suffering with PTSD, pain and trauma while the war is being fought? Are soldiers using cannabis?

Please send a detailed reply.

What can American Jews do to help?

Steve Bloom

"We’ve been pushing though new licenses for those who need them and increasing limits for patients who need more than their prescribed amounts. Most patients require a lot more than they are prescribed." 


On November 5, Jonny sent this reply:

Hi Steve, 

I was put in touch via Luna Stower in the U.S. who shared your contact with my partner Eli Levi. They said you’re the man. I saw the article about Intercure too.

We work with different farms to make sure patients are receiving the best treatment and cannabis that’s on offer for them by vetting strains. As we have a large patient base there’s a lot of community contact, so information about strains and oils are shared daily.

We have now turned our clinic into an all-day recovery for anyone who has been injured in the attacks, survivors from the party in the South, soldiers and displaced persons who have had to leave their homes. 

We have services such as psychological support, massage, acupuncture, group therapy sessions, art and music therapy, and a few evenings a week we stay open late so patients can come to eat, smoke and relax in a safe environment that is central and accessible.

We’ve been pushing though new licenses for those who need them and increasing limits for patients who need more than their prescribed amounts (the doctors decide how much patients can receive on a monthly basis – most patients require a lot more than they are prescribed).

We also have been supplying cannabis and coupons for pharmacies (where medical cannabis is sold here) so affected patients can get their meds for free. So far we have donated over 6 kgs nationwide. 

Actual active soldiers are not allowed to have licenses as you could imagine. However, a large number of reservists (80% of the Army right now) are license holders and more are returning from the field injured and post-traumatic and in need of help and support, and licenses for cannabis.

The government is actively pushing pharmaceuticals such as Valium, Xanax, Klonopin and opiates to anyone and everyone it can, and still giving push back to cannabis companies and doctors who are prescribing cannabis.

We are attempting to offer those who would prefer a nonpharmaceutical style of treatment an easy and supportive method of doing so. 

On top of everything we have been helping rehouse, clothe and feed those that are being missed or overlooked by the government and working with other communities to get everything from animal support for dogs to toys to kids that have been stuck in hotel rooms for the last month. 

We see the failures in power that have led us to this point and want to make sure no Israeli is left needing anything. 

We know there are amazing people donating to the Army and other organizations and slowly we’re making a dent. However, we know that this is just the start and even after things calm down here, the treatment of our national trauma will have to continue for many years to come. 

We’re putting together some content currently to show what we’ve been up to, and have a few ways people can donate if they choose too as well. 

If there is anything you can do to help us raise awareness, support and funding from our Jewish and non-Jewish brothers and sisters across the U.S. it would help more than you know. 

Many thanks and I hope to hear back from you soon. Together we will make it through.

All the best and thank you again.


"The government is actively pushing pharmaceuticals such as Valium, Xanax, Klonopin and opiates to anyone and everyone it can, and still giving push back to cannabis companies and doctors who are prescribing cannabis."


I wrote back to Jonny:

Thanks for the reply - do you have any applicable photos for the article?

What's your last name?

Is there a website for Oz Center? Where is it located?

I have not heard back from Jonny.

[To be continued]


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Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.