Who Is Katherine Grimm?
Only in Colorado could a self-styled entrepreneur become a major player in a marijuana-reality program - CNN's "High Profits" - without having any experience in the cannabis industry. Meet Katherine Grimm.
Only in Colorado could a self-styled entrepreneur become a major player in a marijuana-reality program - CNN's "High Profits" - without having any experience in the cannabis industry. Meet Katherine Grimm.
Texas became the 15th state to legalize the use of cannabidiol to treat epilepsy among children. Both the Senate and House approved a limited-use medical marijuana bill, and Gov. Abbott signed it into law on June 1, 2015
The main boulevards in Kazakhstan's capitol of Astana are covered with cannabis. In addition, thousands of acres of wild weed sprout annually in the Central Asia nation's Chu Valley.
It took a sex scandal by DEA agents for the White House to finally lower the boom on DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart. Her retirement will take effect next month.
U.S. District Judge Kimberly Mueller punted the marijuana scheduling issue back to Congress with her decision today to not change the drug's designation in the Controlled Substances Act.