Five Top Portable Vaporizers


Company: Dr. Dabber

Price: $74

Compatibility: concentrates

The Ghost wax pen delivers an exceptional vaping experience with potent, plentiful vapor that has a smooth consistency and a very pleasing taste. You can take short and long draws with equal ease, giving users the ability to vape the way that’s the most comfortable for them.

On a single charge, you can draw 200–300 times. That's an impressive long battery life for a wax pen that can fit into your pocket. The only major drawback is it doesn’t come with any type of warranty protection. Still, it’s so solid this may not be an issue. 

There are also a number of glass tool attachments that are compatible with the Ghost.

Rating: 4.5 vapes out of 5

Purchase the Dr. Dabber Ghost vaporizer at VaporPlants and get 5% off by using coupon code VP5 at checkout.