Vaporbrothers VB1 Box
Company: Vaporbrothers
Price: $183.99
Compatibility: flowers
Review: Vaporbrothers have been making their box style vaporizer since 1999; it's the vaporizer that pioneered an industry. A ceramic heating element is encased in glass to hold a whip-style delivery method. You can also hook it up to a favorite water device for an extra smooth vapor hit. Vapor from the VB1 Box is very clean and aromatic. The simplicity of design and EZ Change Whip make using the box a breeze. It’s safe to keep on for hours at home and only takes a couple minutes to heat up. The temperature range is 310°F–425°F.
There’s a reason why it remains a favorite among those who value quality since no glue or harmful materials are used in it’s construction. Unlike other box vaporizers you might find at a lower price, this box is made in the U.S. and is backed by a limited lifetime warranty. Most people enjoy it for 10-plus years. You can also use it as an essential oil diffuser. But since it only vaporizes flowers, the versatility is a bit limited.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 vapes
Purchase the Vaporbrothers VB1 Box vaporizer at Vapor Warehouse and get free shipping and an acrylic grinder. Sign up for their mailing list for a coupon to use on your first purchase.