Stress and anxiety are two of the most common mental issues that adults face in the United States. Going through the blues is perfectly normal, especially during intense situations such as impending examinations, too many assignments at work or personal problems at home. But contrary to what is normally believed, stress doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. It's a fundamental survivalist mechanism the body uses to cope with challenges that are otherwise hard to resolve.
Here are five ways to relieve stress:
1. Using CBD Oil
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a naturally occurring cannabinoid in the cannabis plant that’s non-psychoactive. The world is only recently catching up to the various benefits of CBD oil and many scientists are scrambling around to find the secrets to what many literally describe as the one-stop-shop solution for many health problems.
CBD oil is particularly effective for stress disorders because it unlocks the body’s endocannabinoid system, the most powerful neurotransmitter that influences our behavioral symptoms, memory recall, motor control and even immune system.
CBD is an agonist that attaches to cannabinoid receptors on cells and interacts with the central nervous system in ways conventional medicine doesn’t. The best part about CBD oil for stress is the lack of any side effects that are commonplace with so many conventional drugs.
Some of the most popular ways of ingesting CBD is through beaker bongs and vape pens. These methods help CBD work around the body in a faster way than through other methods of delivery.
2. Listening to Music
Music helps pull you back from whatever triggers stress to focus more on pleasurable feelings. Songs basically provide your brain with thoughts that distract you from feelings that are too stressful. This gives you temporary relief from stress and provides you with a bird’s-eye view of your problems and how you can overcome them. The solution to stress is just one song away!
3. Exercising
Subjecting your body to physical strain has a way of relieving mental stress. There are a few possible reasons for this, such as the suppression of stress hormones and increasing the quality of sleep.
Exercise produces endorphins – chemicals in the brain that can serve as natural painkillers – which help reduce stress. All you need is five minutes of low to moderately intense exercise to stimulate anti-anxiety effects.
4. Using Supplements
Because stress triggers receptors in the brain, scientists have figured out a way to relieve it by using off-the-shelf supplements, including lemon balm, green tea and valerian. Green tea, in particular, is touted by health experts as a solution to mental health problems and enhances overall brain function.
Word of advice: Your stress-management strategy shouldn’t be built around supplements. Most pharmaceutical supplements have side effects. Only use them when stress is too difficult to handle.
5. Reducing Your Caffeine Intake
Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks. High doses can cause anxiety. Caffeine only temporarily increases the body’s dopamine levels, which makes you feel good, but once the effect wears off, you begin to bottom out. If you feel a little “edgy” after consumption, consider cutting back on caffeine.