The Top 32 Stoner Movies of 2016

27. The Boss

Box office: $63.1 million

Michelle (Melissa McCarthy) gets out of jail and decides to start a brownie company employing local students. In one scene, several of the girls have a table in front of a marijuana dispensary.

28. The Meddler

Box office: $4.3 million

Marnie (Susan Sarandon) tells her shrink that her daughter, Lori (Rose Byrne), should stop "smoking so much grass." In another scene a car, Apple Store employee Freddy (Jerrod Carmichael) has a bag of weed in Marnie's car. As a police car pulls them over, Marnie eats the pot. The officer looks at her peculiarly and lets them go.

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.