The Top 32 Stoner Movies of 2016

31. The Nice Guys 

Box office: $36.3 million

While private eyes Healy (Russell Crowe) and Holland (Ryan Gosling) try to unravel the death of porn star Misty Mountains, weed gets a few mentions, such as when Healy observes as they enter a bar: "Well, we know Mary Jane showed up. Pot, marijuana. The place, they're smoking it."

32. Zootopia

Box office: $341.3 million

Yax is voiced by Tommy Chong in this Disney film. During a press conference, a pot leaf is attached to one of the microphones. It won the Golden Globe for Best Aminated Movie and has been nominated for an Oscar in the same category 

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.