The Top 47 Stoner Movies of 2019


Jacob’s Ladder

David M. Rosenthal’s remake of Adrian Lyne’s 1990 original starring Tim Robbins as a psychotic vet flips the script. In this version, Jacob (Michael Ealy) comes home from a tour in Iraq with a disorder. He sees ghosts from the war and confuses his life with his brother’s. The VA has been dispensing an experimental PTSD drug called HDA to vets that causes hallucinations. In the original, Vietnam soldiers were used as guinea pigs and dosed with LSD, which led to horrific murders within the battalion. When Jacob figures out the evil plan, the government try to quiet him for good. While this creepy thriller, set in Atlanta, bears little resemblance to the original, it’s still worth checking out. Prime, YouTube

Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom

Publisher of, former editor of High Times and Freedom Leaf and co-author of Pot Culture and Reefer Movie Madness.